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Partner Stories

Our partnerships are purpose-driven, aiming to support causes and foster positive change within the industry. With a focus on inclusion, accessibility, sustainability, electrification, loyalty, and employer branding, we collaborate with like-minded organizations to create a more diverse, sustainable, and impactful future for motorsports. By leveraging our collective strengths and values, we strive to drive meaningful progress and shape the future of motorsports.

SKF and EPWR Gear Up for a Sustainable Future in Motorsport

The foundation of the partnership between EPWR, a part of PWR Group, and SKF, a leading supplier in various motorsport areas, lies in their shared commitment to promoting sustainable motorsport and eco-friendly mobility solutions. As EPWR introduces the world's first 100% electric national touring car championship with the EPWR concept in the Scandinavian Touring Car Championship (STCC) season, SKF expresses enthusiasm to contribute its expertise to enhance the performance and sustainability of EPWR's electric touring cars. With SKF's products and solutions integrated into the 12 all-electric race cars produced by EPWR for the STCC season, the partnership underscores a dedication to advancing eco-friendly mobility and pushing for a sustainable future within motorsport.

B&W photo of racing helmet

CUPRA Sweden-PWR initiates long-term and sustainable collaboration with Texstar

PWR Group and embarked on a partnership with Texstar extending to 2025, where we will provide the team, CUPRA Sweden-PWR, with high-quality hybrid workwear for their work in electrified motorsport. We have solidified this partnership to advance the frontiers of sustainability and equality, focusing on clothing. With a shared vision to enhance both products and working conditions, we look forward to integrating recycled materials into our manufacturing and implementing initiatives to promote gender equality and inclusion in the workplace.

A box filled with Texstar products

"The team, our partners, and everyone involved have undertaken an almost unbelievable journey since the start in 2012"

Daniel Haglöf, Partner - PWR Group

"We've transitioned from a small underdog to one of the major players in Swedish motorsport"

Micke Jansson, CEO – PWR Group

"We are in the business of shaping the future of motorsport"

Jenny Videsparv, Head of Brand and Communication - PWR Group
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